AOR Blog


Although this article from ASCB (an international forum for cell biology) focuses on the use of the word "minorities" in the biomedical fields, the message applies across all industries. Why do we still use the word "minority" when according to the Pew Research Center, by 2055, the United States “will have no racial or ethnic...


The Driving Diversity training program is an innovative initiative designed to increase the diversity among the ranks of Washington County garbage and recycling drivers, and to open the door for participants to step into living-wage careers. The program has been active in Portland and Multnomah County since 2021, but on July 21...


Environmental Quality Commission adopts rules to implement Mattress Stewardship Act



What is the name of your business or organization? Reverse Logistics Group

What does your business/organization do? We are an EPR (extended producer responsibility) compliance service provider and a producer responsibility organization for manufacturers and retailers affected by packaging, electronics and battery EPR...


What is your name? Molly McGrew

Where do you work and what do you do? I work out of my home in Lake Oswego. I'm a registered lobbyist representing Tribal clients, housing, healthcare, sustainable recycling, and nonprofits.

Tell us how you embrace recycling/sustainability into your home or workplace? Recycling is a...
